96th, 3 more to go =D
And yeah, I was fucking psychic.
I was fucking righ about taking the chance.
Yeah, so,
To people who skipped or was reluctant to go to the Milan Doshi thing, your loss is inperceivable.
I learnt that learning things in the workshop wasn't necessarily business, but anything at all.
It's a real drag to listen to his lectures but I'm sure that I enjoyed every (except the stupid interview with millionaire thing) game with my wrecking soul.
The last activity he shared with us was super uplifting. Though people may see it stupid sometimes (most probably inhumane people), let's just let me share this yeah?
So Mr Milan-aire made us line up in 2 rows, 2 super long rows, and then face each other. The one by one from the end of the row, we were made to walk between the line. Eyes closed. Then the people on both sides will guide them with hands as well as whispering compliments to them or saying good things about them, twas the end of the lind and hug the last person.
Simple as it seems, it is a really powerful activity (to me at least). I learnt that it was distinct to compliment than receive compliments. When you say one good thing to a person, you feel nothing at all, except for a thanks or so, but then when you enjoy the pool of compliments, it was really wonderful.
Perhaps like, "no one has ever said that to me" or like "oh, i din know that you really think of me like that, thats so sweet"..
I don't really care if it is a delusion or what. I felt the powerfulness of it. I felt great. I feel existent. We're all emotional beings. Remember.
So, super long granma talk over, point is
DO NOT HOLD UP on giving compliments! You can make someone's day.
Another lame wordy kwirky post. I thought I might stick more pictures. XD
Yeah. Thats all.
Ciao dudes!
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